Welcome to North Korea is a multimedia project created by Max Papeschi in collaboration with Amnesty International that represents a fictitious propaganda of the North Korean regime that sarcastically reveals the horrors of the dictatorship of Kim Jong-Un.
Papeschi pretended to be the Minister of Propaganda, appointed by the Leader Kim Jong-Un himself, and took the project on a world tour from 2016 to 2019.
WTNK consists of 5 different parts, as well as various site-specific performances.
The Leader is Present: an art exhibitions in which Papeschi pretends to be a curator who has asked to the most important artists, dead and alive, to create a masterpiece to celebrate the Leader Kim Jong-Un.
Made in North Korea: merchandising inspired by North Korea that it pretends to be made by labor camp prisoners. In reality it was a totally made in Italy and cruelty free product produced by Khauna Project and whose proceeds were donated to Amnesty International.
Pyongyang Playground: a real inflatable jump for children that represents a labor camp.
Guess Un?: the North Korean idea of the famous board game Guess Who?
North-Park and Welcome to North Korea!: two art video, one is the North Korean version of the famous South Park theme song, the other one is the cartoon parody of the Teletubbies that are singing the North Korean anthem using the synchro-vox technique.
Kim-Pong: a real 80s video game, in which you can play against Kim Jong-Un with the inability to ever win against the Leader. The video game was designed by Papeschi and realized by Annc Pacunayen.
Kim Jong Un, supreme leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, first secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, first chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, with great satisfaction presents the project WELCOME TO NORTH KOREA designed by the Italian artist Max Papeschi that was nominated by Kim Jong Un personally Ambassador of the Ministry of the propaganda of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
The project is designed to show the whole world the beauty, the harmony, the efficiency and the strength of our prosperous and powerful nation!
The whole project WELCOME TO NORTH KOREA will go on a TOUR around the world from April 2016.
Our country's glorious history has resulted from the Juche*-oriented ideas, as well as the heroic spirit and indomitable struggle of our service personnel and people who are boundlessly faithful to their Party and Leader that is proud of his people that is demonstrating his dignity as guards of independence and our country remains a bulwark of anti-imperialist independence and peace.
The project will demonstrate these great truths and it will erase from the face of the Earth the dirty lies of the pro-imperialists!
Long live the Songun** Revolution!
*The Juche ideology is the cornerstone of party works and government operations. It is viewed by the official North Korean line as an embodiment of Kim Il-sung's wisdom, an expression of his leadership, and an idea which provides "a complete answer to any question that arises in the struggle for national liberation".
** Songun is North Korean "military first" policy, prioritizing the Korean People's Army in the affairs of state and allocation of resources.
The Ambassador of the Ministry of the international propaganda of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Max Papeschi is pleased to present the exhibition curated by himself: THE LEADER IS PRESENT.
In this exhibition Max Papeschi gathered the most important living and no-living artists that wanted to please the Great Leader with the revisions of their most famous works!
The artists who joined the exhibition THE LEADER IS PRESENTE are:
Marina Abramovic
Andy Warhol
Damien Hirst
Piero Fornasetti
Maurizio Cattelan
Lucio Fontana
Vanessa Beecroft
Pierre et Gilles
Jeff Koons
Matt Stone and Trey Parker
Sandro Botticelli
Long live the Songun* Revolution!
* Songun is North Korean "military first" policy, prioritizing the Korean People's Army in the affairs of state and allocation of resources.
Kim Jong Un, supreme leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, first secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, first chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, with great satisfaction presents the project MADE IN NORTH KOREA.
From 2016 it will be possible to appreciate the great artifacts of our prosperous and powerful nation in a series of temporary stores all over the world. All it will be handcrafted in our penal colonies. Thanks to this operation our prisoners can rehabilitate finally their position and they can purify their souls!
The products MADE IN NORTH KOREA are top quality and innovation in every respect.
Long live the Songun* Revolution!
* Songun is North Korean "military first" policy, prioritizing the Korean People's Army in the affairs of state and allocation of resources.
Pyongyang Playground is a funny playground where your children can experience living in our beloved nation!
It’s composed of:
PYONGYANG PLAYGROUND a wonderful inflatable jump that represents our very comfortable and avant-garde holiday resorts for prisoners who are trying to redeem themselves!
SPONGEBOMB our super mascotte that will teach your children the beauty of nuclear power!
THE LEADER ARMY the the life-size cut out figure army of our beloved Leader who will inspire your children to Songun values!
Long live the Songun* Revolution!
* Songun is North Korean "military first" policy, prioritizing the Korean People's Army in the affairs of state and allocation of resources.
Guess UN? is the amazing board game who teach you the love and respect for our beloved Leader Kim Jong UN!
Long live the Songun* Revolution!
* Songun is North Korean "military first" policy, prioritizing the Korean People's Army in the affairs of state and allocation of resources.
NORTH PARK and WELCOME TO NORTH KOREA! are the fantastic videos that show you our sense of welcome and teach you our language singing!
Long live the Songun* Revolution!
* Songun is North Korean "military first" policy, prioritizing the Korean People's Army in the affairs of state and allocation of resources.
KIM PONG is the innovative video game that allow you to play with our Leader!
Long live the Songun* Revolution!
* Songun is North Korean "military first" policy, prioritizing the Korean People's Army in the affairs of state and allocation of resources.